Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Deja Vu

Just in case you havn't heard (I dont know how it is possible not to have heard), there have been more than 800 "tea parties" around the country today to protest the federal government's taxation, spending, and debt. Kinda reminds me of another tea party... The Obama Administration has raised taxes, increased spending, and printed more money when there isn't enough to do what he wants. The problem is that he is using the tax payer's money to pay off business' debts. So we are funding the largest government takeover of private industry. Karl Marx would be so proud! The American people are extremely upset and they are making sure that the government knows about it. I dont know why everyone is so angry; socialism has worked for countless other countries...The Soviet Union...China....oh wait, Im sorry it hasn't worked. Maybe that news needs to be spread to Washington, more specifically, the White House. Well, Obama certainly has brought change..

Michell Malkin has a few different articles about this on her blog at

and you can read one of the many articles about this at

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