Thursday, February 26, 2009

Astronomer or Evil Genius?

Read this article It sounds like some crazy idea that a villain in James Bond would come up with, firing trillions of mirrors into space to block out the sun's rays. Someone actually did design this plan only that person isn't an evil genius, he is astronomer, Dr. Roger Angel. The plan is to use a huge cannon to shoot trillions of mirrors that would create a huge sun shield and therefore stop global warming. This plan sounds absolutely ridiculous! NASA, however, is already funding a pilot project, so there must be some belief that it will work. I just think that when the designer says that the scaled down version of the gun "was immensely dangerous" it cant be a good idea. I'm not saying that the idea wont work, it just doesn't sound like something that people will take seriously (a huge cannon that is going to fire trillions of mirrors into space to stop global warming? Really?) until there is proof that it is possible. We wont know for another twenty or thirty years whether it will work, but I am definitely curious about how it will go.

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